National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) Recruitment Notification 2023 for Stenographer
Last Date : 23 July 2023

NBEMS Notification 2023 : NBEMS invites applications from eligible and desirous candidates for the post of Stenographer (on Contract) for a period of 89 days, as under:
Vacancy Details
- Name of Post : Stenographer (on contract)
- No. of Post : 07 [ 04 -UR, 01-EWS, 01- OBC, 01-ST]
- Pay : Rs. 35,000/- (consolidated per Month)
- Age limit : 18-27 years
- Application Fees : NIL
About National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS)
The National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) is an Autonomous Body under the MoH&FW, Govt. of India, established to conduct Post-Graduate Examinations of high standards in the field of Modern Medicines at the National Level.
➢ Essential Qualification: Senior Secondary (12th or 10+2) Other Qualification: Stenographer Skill – Stenographer Skill – 80/30 w.p.m. in Shorthand/Typing. Candidates will be required to appear and qualify in the tests in General English / Shorthand and typewriting to be conducted by the Board.
➢ Desirable: 2 years’ experience as Steno in Govt./PSU/Autonomous body and ability of word processing on Computer.
Mode of Selection
❖ Mode of Selection will be decided on the basis of number of applications received.
How to Apply
Duly filled application form in the prescribed format along with Self-Attested copies of Educational qualifications, Caste certificate, Experience certificate should reach to:
“The Additional Director (Admin.),
National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences, NAMS Building,
Ansari Nagar, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – 110029.”
within 30 days (2023 July 23) of publication of vacancy notice in the Employment News.
General Conditions
- The envelope should be super scribed with “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF “STENOGRAPHER (ON CONTRACT)”.
- Candidate should possess the age, caste, educational qualification and experience as on the closing date of application.
- Applications received after the last date shall not be considered and be summarily rejected. The Board will not be responsible for any postal/transit delay.
- Candidates should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or suppress any material information while submitting the application and certified copies / testimonials.
- Applications which do not meet all the criteria given in this advertisement / incomplete application will be rejected.
- No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained by the Board.
- Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification.
- Decision of the Board in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate, the stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken, the documents to be produced for the purpose of the conduct of examination, selection and any other matter relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidate.
- The decision of NBEMS shall be final and binding in all respects.
- Further, the Board reserves the right to stall / cancel the recruitment partially/ fully at any stage during the recruitment process at its discretion, without assigning any reason, which will be final and binding on the candidate.
- The Board also reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process as a whole or at any stage thereof for any of the posts without any prior notice or without assigning any reason thereof.
- NBEMS reserves its absolute rights to alter/delete/modify/amend any or all of the above criteria at any stage of the process.
- The shortlisted candidates are required to submit all the documents pertaining to Age, Qualification, Experience, Caste etc. for Document Verification. If any candidate is found ineligible, his/her candidature shall be cancelled.
- The Board reserves the right to hold a written examination or fix its own criteria for selecting the candidates.
- Accommodation is not provided by the NBEMS.
- Eligible candidates are requested to submit their application as per format provided below.
- The last date for receipt of application will be 30 days from the date of publication in Employment News. The crucial date of eligibility will be the last date of application.
Important Links |
Official Notification & Application Form | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |