Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli is the eleventh IIM established under Ministry of
Human Resource Development, Government of India. The Institute offers a congenial and professional working environment. The Institute invites applications for the following non-teaching
positions on contract basis:
Name of Post | No of Posts |
Senior Finance and Accounts Office | 01 |
Estate Manager | 01 |
Manager (EEC) | 01 |
Manager (Chennai Campus) | 01 |
Library & Information Assistant | 01 |
For the right candidate higher start within the scale may be considered.
For full details regarding qualification, experience, job profile, terms & conditions, and other
requirements, please visit website: www.iimtrichy.ac.in/careers.
Application along with all supporting documents should be submitted online in IIM Tiruchirappalli
website on or before 30.04.2020.
Application submitted through any other mode will not be considered.
Non-Teaching posts on contract basis in IIM Tiruchirappalli
1. Senior Finance & Accounts Officer (On Contract)
Tenure: Two Years (Extendable based on the need and performance)
Consolidated Salary: Rs. 1,00,000/- per month
Upper Age Limit: 63 years
Required Educational Qualification and Experience:
- Graduate degree in commerce with at least second class (50% marks) from a reputed
University / Institution - Should have passed SAS (Commercial) /SOGE (Commercial) examinations of the Indian
Audit & Accounts Department OR CA/ICWA - At least 5 years’ post-qualification experience in Government Organizations/PSUs/Centrally
Funded Educational Institutions at pay level 11 or above in Finance & Accounts
Department/Section. - Must have a thorough knowledge of GFR, FR&SR and relevant Central Government rules &
procedures.Desirable:Proficiency in Computer operations and Internet, and relevant experience in any IIM /IIT/NIT/IIIT
and other centrally funded institutes of national repute.Job Profile:
- Manage Institute’s accounting, auditing, budgeting, finance and other related activities.
- Guide the officials in the Accounts Department of the Institute in matters relating to
Accounting procedures, budget and Control systems, computerized accounting system etc. - Primarily responsible to get the Institute’s account audited as per the Government of India
rules. - Guide officials on matters related to the Central Civil Service Rules.
- Send periodic statutory reports and other reports to as per requirement
- Any other tasks assigned as per requirement of the institute.The Institute encourages recently retired people from CAG / IA&AD / Government / PSUs / Govt.
Autonomous Institutes / Bodies to apply.Campus accommodation may be provided subject to availability with applicable license fee.
2 . Estate Manager (On Contract)
Tenure: Two Years (Extendable based on the need and performance)
Consolidated Salary: Rs. 1,00,000/- per month
Upper Age Limit: 63 years
Required Educational Qualification and Experience:
- Graduate degree in Civil Engineering with at least second class (50%) from recognized
universities/institutions. - At least 5 years post-qualification experience in State or Central Government
Organizations/PSUs/Centrally Funded Educational Institutions at pay level 11 or above in
construction/estate maintenance Department/Section.
Desirable: Proficiency in Computer operations and Internet, and relevant experience in any IIM
/IIT/NIT/IIIT and other institutes of national / international repute.Job Profile: - Day-to-day management of project site related activities of the campus.
- Entire estate maintenance, maintenance planning (proactive/preventive/reactive) and
manpower deployment as per requirement. - Campus upkeep and gardening.
- Periodically carry out estate maintenance audit
- Any other tasks assigned as per requirement of the institute.The Institute encourages recently retired people from CPWD/PWD/Government/PSUs/Govt.
Autonomous Institutes/Bodies to apply.Campus accommodation may be provided subject to availability with applicable license fee.
3. Manager – EEC (On contract)
Tenure: Two Years (Extendable based on the need and performance)
Consolidated Salary: Rs. 75,000/- per month
Upper Age Limit: 63 years
Required Educational Qualification and Experience:
- Master degree in Management/Commerce with at least second class (50% marks) from a
reputed University / Institution. - At least 5 years of post-qualification experience in administrating and marketing Executive
Education Programmes and Consulting Activities in any business school of repute/
Government Organizations/PSUs/Centrally Funded Educational Institutions.Desirable:Work experience in an IIM / IIT / NIT and any other institutes of international repute will be preferred.Job Profile:
- To work with the Chairperson of Executive Education and Consultancy in planning and
delivering executive education programmes and consultancy activities. - Provide all logistic support to the MDP programmes and consultancy activities.
- Arrange boarding and lodging for MDP participants.
- To liaise with participants / Faculty/ Administration of the Institute.
- To market the Executive Education Programmes.
- To have close liaison with industry/ corporate for generating EDPs.
- To organize “industry-institute interaction” for organizing business thought leadership
lectures by industry professionals. - To organize conferences/ workshops/ seminars/ round tables.
- Overall in charge of all marketing and administrative side of the MDP activities of the
Institute. - Responsibility for proper discharge of duties by his/her subordinates
- Manage e-learning centre
Any other tasks assigned as per requirement of the institute.
Campus accommodation may be provided subject to availability with applicable license fee.
4. Manager – Chennai Campus (On contract)
Tenure: Two Years (Extendable based on the need and performance)
Consolidated Salary: Rs. 80,000/- per month
Upper Age Limit: 63 years
Required Educational Qualification and Experience:
- Master degree in Management with at least second class (50% marks) from a reputed
University / Institution.
At least 5 years of post-qualification experience of independently managing administrative,
financial and support systems in any business school of repute/ Government Organizations/PSUs/Centrally Funded Educational Institutions.
Work experience in an IIM / IIT / NIT and any other institutes of international repute will be preferred.
Job Location: Chennai
Job Profile:
- Responsible for managing all activities of IIM Tiruchirappalli Chennai Campus.
o Working with the programme heads for smooth administration of each programme offered there.
o Providing support to faculty and students in academic activities during their visit.
o Campus facility maintenance and management
o Providing support to executive programmes and other activities of the institute in that campus.
o Working on new initiatives to increase the utility of the campus.
o Ensuring smooth functioning of the campus.
o Any other tasks assigned as per requirement of the institute.
5. Library & Information Assistant (On Contract)
Tenure: Two Years (Extendable based on the need and performance) Consolidated Salary: Rs. 30,000/- per month
Upper Age Limit: 35 years
Required Educational Qualification and Experience:
- Graduate in any discipline (10+2+3) with at least second class (50% marks)
- Post-graduate degree in Library and Information Science with at least second class (50%
marks) from a reputed University / Institute - At least three years post-qualification working experience in handling of library work in a
reputed research/educational institute and proficiency in computer application in the
management of RFID based modern library on automated, integrated and networked
environmentJob Profile: - To assist the Librarian and Senior Library & Information Assistant in offering the library
services to the Faculty and the students - Any other tasks assigned as per requirement of the institute.
Mode of Selection
The selection will be made through both written test and personal interview.
How to Apply
Application along with all supporting documents should be submitted online in IIM Tiruchirappalli
website http://www.iimtrichy.ac.in/careers on or before 30 April 2020.
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Official Notification | Click Here | |
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